In order to make sure the flourish drawn in the previous step fits in with the text group seamlessly, Zoom (Z) in so you can work on the details of the final letter. Once you’ve got the flourish in a position and shape that you enjoy, Expand it in Object and Group together with your word (in this case it’s been Grouped with “Roast”). Use the Width Tool (Shift – W) to taper the tail of the flourish by placing points with the tool near the end of the tail and dragging our mouse to make the path thinner at that end. Apply a thick stroke to the path in the Stroke panel. Using the Pencil Tool (N) I drew a swooping line from the letter “T” that moves to the left and stops below the “R”. I think the word “Roast” needs a flourish. Expand your text to outlines under Object, and then Ungroup your text. I chose “Italian Roast”, as it’s the name of a type of coffee, and I find this text effect goes well with all things coffee, packaging, and cafe related. Write out your text or title with the Type Tool (T). In this case, I chose Lobster 2, but also recommend Lobster, ChunkFive, or Birra. Topics Covered: 3D Text, Blend Tool, Textures.Pour a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s create some text with the help of Illustrator effects, the Blend Tool, and textures fit for the branding of a coffee house. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create dimensional text inspired by vintage packaging designs and logotypes.